Backing fabric for commonmass' quilt
My heart, like the hearts of so many, is heavy today because GreenMountainBoy02 has passed away. His beloved, commonmass, is bereft. This quilt will now be a sympathy quilt for commonmass.
I am posting all the quilt messages that were written for GreenMountainBoy02 and commonmass so that everyone will have a chance to revise if they so wish. And more messages are welcome, of course -- just leave your message in the comments. This is one thing we can do to put our arms around commonmass to support him as he grieves. He has been a tower of strength for GreenMountainBoy02 as he lay ill, he has been a tower of strength to let his beloved go peacefully to his rest. And now he needs his friends. Let us cry together with commonmass tonight.